Hunny Wants to Blog

Widow: a woman whose husband leaves her alone frequently or for long periods to engage in a usually specified activity (like Bluegrass music).
Hey, she doesn't have to be a Bluegrass widow! I've been trying to get her to play an instrument for some time now but she's not bitin'. I invite her to accompany me at all of the Bluegrass festivals but she doesn't go for it. I ask her to go to all of the Bluegrass concerts, but she doesn't do that either. Is it really my fault she feels like a Bluegrass widow? Is it unreasonable that I play Bluegrass music in the morning while eating breakfast, while getting ready for work, in the car, at work, before bed and while trying to sleep? I'm listening to Bluegrass right now. The fact that Hunny isn't as enthusiastic as I am about all things Bluegrass can only mean one thing - the girl clearly needs help!
Do you see the jacket she's wearing in the photo above? I call that her mandolin jacket. Why? Because she'd look great with that jacket if she was holding a mandolin! Go ahead, visualize - I'll wait. There, see what I mean? But, because she has no interest in learning how to play a mandolin, it's just a waste of a good jacket!
I'm not exactly sure what Hunny is going to blog about, but I can only imagine a site riddled with jokes about everyone's favourite instrument, and you know which one I'm talkin' about - you know, the one with 5 strings. She seems to thrive on those jokes.
For those of you that might be interested in whatever foolishness she comes up with, here's a link to the Bluegrass Widow Blog: Whatever you do, don't let her steer you away from Bluegrass music. Always remember, in the words of Lee Alward, "there's no doubt about it, Bluegrass music is the sweetest sound on earth!"
Labels: bluegrass widow, Helen Floyd
I wish I could remember how to get to the bloggy site thingy and how to post a blog. I have material, just no way to impart it at the moment. Can somebody out there help me???
That looks like a good mandolin jacket...does anyone want to buy it?
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