Christmas Time's A Comin'

It was just about this time last year when I was pleading with people to start practicing some Christmas tunes for the Bluegrass Friends Christmas party. Why would I do that? Quite simply, because I know the human nature in all of us will cause us to put it off until it's too late.
Most people acknowledge they should begin learning or brushing up on some Christmas tunes, but they usually wait until a week or two before Christmas when they are just too busy to put any kind of effort into it - then it's too late and they say "oh well, maybe next year." Does this sound familiar at all? Are you listening to me?, 'cause I'm talking to you!
I got some practice time in on Jingle Bells tonight. I was actually pleasantly surprised with how much I remembered from last year, which was the first time I had ever played it. I like Jingle Bells because it's a lively tune that gets your toes a tappin'. At last year's party, I had planned the song as an instrumental, but Kenny Innis surprised us by singing one verse, and it sounded great.
I'll also do Silent Night again this year if I can get some help with a mandolin and a resophonic guitar (Dobro). Silent Night is such a pretty tune, and I like it for its biblical meaning. How could anyone not like Silent Night?
Right now, I'm listening to one of my favourite Christmas CDs - Bluegrass & White Snow - A Mountain Christmas by Patty Loveless. Can that girl sing or what? You know, before I got into playing music, I would have thought the same thing you're probably thinking right now, which is "this guy must be half crazy, listening to Christmas music this far in advance of the Christmas season." Well I want to set the record straight - I'm more than half crazy!
If Bluegrass & White Snow is playing right now, that means Christmas Wishes by the Statler Brothers isn't far off - now that's a good album. It's got the best sung version of Jingle Bells I've ever heard! Helen and I both love this album; we always listen to it while decorating our Christmas tree - it's become a tradition. We love it, our children hate it! Does this also sound familiar?
Now, if the second Bluegrass Friends Christmas party does in fact become a reality, which of course is dependent on the level of interest shown by the Bluegrass Friends musicians, I'll have at least two songs ready to play. Here's hoping!
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