Tuesday, March 04, 2008

I Walked Into It - Again!

Earlier this afternoon I was discussing transportation plans for tonight with the Bluegrass Widow. I have to practice with Kenny, Deek and Loraine for an upcoming gig at Rocmaura Nursing Home. The Widow and I have been down to one vehicle for the last few years and transportation to and from all of the events in our lives can be troublesome from time to time.

Tonight, I have to go to east side of Saint John while the Widow visits her father at the Saint J ohn Regional Hospital. I told her she could drop me off at Kenny's place on the way to the hospital and Kenny would drive me to Loraine's place, then back to his place where she could pick me up. Then, in the back of my mind I could see all of the timing conflicts.

Feeling like I've been a burden to Kenny for the last few months (because he is always picking me up to go to jams and other events) , I suggested that perhaps I could take the car and drop her off at the hospital, pick Kenny up, drive to Loraine's, end our practice at 9:00 PM and then pick her up on my way home. Then, in the back of my mind I could see all of the timing conflicts.

At some point in the conversation, one of the scenarios left me without a drive home and the Widow asked "how will you get home?" to which I stupidly replied "I'll hitch-hike." It was precisely at that moment that I realized I had yet again given the Bluegrass Widow more buckshot to play with. Without a bit of hesitation she quickly replied "You're going to hitch-hike? Who's going to pick you up with a banjo in your hands?"



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hay Mike dont worry about drives I still have my car and last time I checked my drivers licence was still valid..I believe Helen is right when she says Who would pick up someone hitch hiking with a Banjo...Most people that would stoop to playing such an instrument would be questionable as far as character goes..Just Kidding ha ha .But she does make sense Kenny

Tuesday, March 04, 2008 5:14:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My comment was going to be "I knew that Bluegrass Widow was brilliant", but Kenny beat me to it.I bet it didn't take long for her to ask who would pick you up.


Wednesday, March 05, 2008 2:54:00 PM  

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