Another Bluegrass Friends Christmas Party In The Past

I also had some help at the end of the show, tearing down the equipment. Thanks Murray Sheils, Tom Mason, Kenny Innis, Denise Arsenault and Camille Arsenault. Thanks also to Bea Arbo, Wanda Cyr, Becky Betts, Leola Brown and Louise for helping out with the potluck portion of the party.
Harvey Arbo was Master of Ceremonies for this year's event. Thanks Harvey. And last, but certainly not least, I want to thank the biggest supporter of all my endeavours, the rose in my garden, my wife, Helen. Thank you Hunny for all the support you've shown over the years. My mother says she doesn't know how you put up with me, and you know what? I believe I can see where she's coming from.
The Party
I rented some curtains this year to see how much of an improvement could be realized with regard to the sound, and there was a noticeable improvement. The curtains also gave the room a nice ambience. Still speaking about the sound, I do regret not sticking to my plan of using the good condenser microphones we use every Monday night at the jam sessions. I think if I had, the sound could have been that much better.
From what I observed, it looked like everyone had a great time at the potluck party. There was enough food to feed a small army and the variety of dishes was considerable. A few people commented about how the Christmas parties make up for any frustrations they may experience throughout the year.
As far as musical performances were concerned, I'd have to say everyone did a fine job with all of their selections. At the end of the official concert, some informal jamming took place which ran until about 6:00 PM. By 7:00 PM, all of the rented curtains were packed away and the sound system was dismantled. It was a fun day, but also a long day. I know Helen and I were glad to get home.
A few people took pictures which I will try to obtain. When that happens, I'll post them on the Bluegrass Friends web site.
Merry Christmas everyone!